An Invitation to The Lit
The meetings for the 112th season of Colinton Literary Society commenced in October 2024 and will take place each Wednesday evening until March 2025. The meetings are held in the Dreghorn Loan Hall, Colinton EH13 0DE. Tea, coffee and wine are served from 7:30pm then the talk or event commences at 8pm. The evening finishes at around 9pm.
Membership costs just £15 for the full programme of 16 meetings, or £3 per meeting
for visitors. New members of all ages are assured of a warm welcome.
Our programme covers both literary topics and those of general interest which should be attractive across the entire community from which our membership is drawn. Proposals for future talks may be handed in to the Programme Co-ordinator at any time. Talks and events taking place during our current season are listed below.
Our Programme
16 Oct: The Scottish Enlightenment:
Professor David Purdie reviews the impact of this intellectual and philosophical movement
23 Oct: Phoebe Anna Traquair:
Professor Elizabeth Cumming looks at the life of a leading artist in the Scottish Arts and Crafts movement and her Colinton connection
30 Oct: The Wild Swimmer of Kintail:
Kellan MacInnes tells the story of a journey through water to self-discovery
06 Nov: Writing about Place:
Sir Alexander McCall Smith talks about the influence that location has on the writing of his books
13 Nov: The Scottish Parliament – what next?
Sir Paul Grice considers the impact of devolution
20 Nov: Edinburgh – our Storied Town:
Donald Smith reviews 900 years of Edinburgh’s literary history
27 Nov: Edinburgh’s Theatres:
Reverend David Todd delves deep into the history of the city’s theatres
04 Dec: Buffet Supper with musical entertainment provided by the Glencairn Ensemble
15 Jan: Gallipoli:
Brigadier Ian Gardiner explains more about this crucial battle
22 Jan: Roots of the Reformation:
Will Sanders takes a look at Protestantism in Scotland in the 16th century
29 Jan: Burns in Context:
David Dow and the Dovecot Singers explore the life and times of Scotland’s national poet
05 Feb: Edinburgh – the Silent City:
Stuart Montgomery presents a portrait of Edinburgh in Lock-down
12 Feb: Stories of Changing Landscapes:
Jamie Crawford uses landscapes to tell a story of transformation
19 Feb: The Royal Letter Book:
Louise Gardiner explores Royal correspondence in late 14th century England
26 Feb: Trial by Jury:
Conductor David Lyle and soloists present Gilbert and Sulllivan’s ever-popular one-act opera
05 Mar: AGM followed by a talk from Hannah Dyka about the work of Pavlo Tychyna, one of Ukraine’s leading poets
History of the Colinton Literary Society
The Rev. D. Norman Maclean founded Colinton Parish Church Literary Society (the ‘Lit’) in October 1903 with three Members of the congregation.
They met in a wood and corrugated building in Dreghorn Loan, known as the Old Tin Hall. For more than 100 years the Lit programmes have covered both literary topics and those of general interest across the entire community from whom our membership is drawn.
The name of the Society was changed to Colinton Literary Society in 2024 when the Parish of Colinton united with the Parish of Juniper Green. Colinton Literary Society remains an official church organisation in the new parish of Edinburgh Pentlands Parish.
The Lit has hosted many eminent academics, authors, artists and musicians at its events. In 1911, Sir Ernest Shackleton gave a lecture entitled ‘Furthest South’ and in 2011, author Ian Rankin let us into his secrets of crime writing and now, in our 2023-2024 season, experts in the fields of history, music, politics and art will enthrall us again.

The Committee
Honorary President
The Minister, Edinburgh Pentlands Parish Church
Sally Fischbacher – Email »
Hon. Accounts Examiner
A W Murray
Katie Davidson
Programme Coordinator
Colin Fischbacher – Email »
Committee Members
Kay Dalley, Vasily Demyanov, Kath Hay, Joe McGeough, Bob Mylchreest, Gemma Roper-Caldbeck, Lorraine Veitch-Rutherford